Department Chair and Staff

Head shot of Dr. Gabrielle Katz

Gabrielle Katz, Ph.D.

Department Chair of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences & Professor of Geography

Science Building 2028B

[email protected] (303) 615-0771
Headshot of Jordan Brown

Jordan Brown

EAS Program Coordinator

Science Building 2028C

[email protected] (303) 615-0228
headshot of Joshua McGrath

Josh McGrath, Ph.D.

EAS Lab Coordinator

Science Building 2053

[email protected] (303) 615-0856


Headshot of Dr. Shamim Ahsan

Shamim Ahsan, Ph.D.

Professor of Environmental Science

Science Building 2027

[email protected] (303) 615-0794
Dr. Antonio Bellisario standing in front of a waterway cutting through mountains

Antonio Bellisario, Ph.D.

Professor of Geography

Science Building 2026 Office Hours: M/W: 10:00-11:00, 2:00-3:30

[email protected] (303) 615-0792
Headshot of Dr. Brittany Blomberg

Brittany Blomberg, Ph.D.

Lecturer, Meteorology & Geography

Science Building 2018 Office Hours: T/R: 11:00-1:30

[email protected] (303) 605-5739
Headshot of Dr. Sylvia Brady

Sylvia Brady, Ph.D.

Lecturer, Geography

Science Building 2015 Office Hours: T/R: 8:00-9:30, Friday: 8:00-9:00 (Teams)

[email protected] (303) 605-5961
Headshot of Dr. Randi Brazeau

Randi Brazeau, Ph.D.

Professor of Environmental Science

Science Building 2048 Office Hours: M/W: 11:00-1:30

[email protected] (303) 615-0798
headshot of Dr. Barb Echohawk

Barb Echohawk, Ph.D.

Professor of Geology

Science Building 2024

[email protected] (303) 615-0788
Dr. Andy Evans standing in a chest high snow pit.

Andy Evans, Ph.D.

Professor of Environmental Science

Science Building 2016

[email protected] (303) 615-0774
Headshot of Dr. Yunyi Guan

Yunyi Guan, Ph.D.

Lecturer, GIS

Science Building 2025 Office Hours: M: 10;20-11:40, W: 10:20-11:40, 12:00-1:00

[email protected] (303) 605-5742
Headshot of Dr. Uwe Kackstaetter

Uwe Kackstaetter, Ph.D.

Professor of Geology

Science Building 2017

[email protected] (303) 615-0789
Dr. Andong Ma standing on a balcony with a european city center behind him

Andong Ma, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Geography (GIS)

Science Building 2014 Office Hours: M/W: 10:00-12:00 (in-person or Teams)

[email protected] (303) 615-0989
Dr. Sam Ng standing in front of two computer monitors displaying weather maps

Sam Ng, Ph.D.

Professor of Meteorology

Science Building 2019 Office Hours: M/W: 9:00-11:00 (online/inquire first for in person), T/R: 11:00-12:00, F: 10:00-1:00 (by appointment)

[email protected] (303) 615-0781
Headshot of Dr. Sarah Schliemann

Sarah Schliemann, Ph.D.

Lecturer, Environmental Science

Science Building 2052 Office Hours: W: 9:00-12:00 (Teams), T/R: 11:00-12:00

[email protected] (303) 615-0804
Dr. Keah Schuenemann with a fjord in the background

Keah Schuenemann, Ph.D.

Professor of Meteorology

Science Building 2020 Office Hours: M: 11:00-12:00 (Teams), W: 11:00-2:00 (in office)

[email protected] (303) 615-0780

Adjunct Faculty

Headshot of Dr. Aaron J. Adams

Aaron J. Adams, Ph.D.


[email protected]

Charles Becker


[email protected]
Headshot of Dr. Thomas R. Bellinger

Thomas R. Bellinger, Ph.D.

Environmental Science

[email protected]

Chelsea Campbell

Environmental Science

[email protected]
Headshot of Mike Chapman

Mike Chapman


[email protected]
Headshot of Bob Glancy

Bob Glancy


[email protected]
Dr. Scott Landolt standing in a snowfield

Scott Landolt, Ph.D.


[email protected]
Barry Miller standing on a snow covered mountain peak

Barry Miller


[email protected]

Monike Musser


[email protected]
Joanna Redwine

Joanna Redwine


[email protected]
Headshot of Erin Roberson

Erin Roberson


[email protected]
Chris Spears standing in a tv studio office

Chris Spears


[email protected]
Headshot of Dr. Richard Wagner

Richard Wagner

Professor Emeritus of Meteorology

Science Building Room 2051

[email protected] (303) 615-0787

CLAS Science Advisors


Kelsey Lumbard

Academic Advisor I

Biology/Chemistry/EAS Advising

[email protected] Schedule an Appointment
Headshot of Erin Rogers

Erin Rogers

Academic Advisor I

Biology/Chemistry/EAS Advising

[email protected] Schedule an Appointment

JR Vann

Academic Advisor I

Biology/Chemistry/EAS Advising

[email protected] Schedule an Appointment

Student Employees


Jasmyn Jones

Emeritus Faculty

Thomas Corona, M.S., Associate Professor Emeritus – Meteorology

James Cronoble, Ph.D., Associate Professor Emeritus – Geology

Kenneth Engelbrecht, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus – Earth and Atmospheric Sciences

John Kilcoyne, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus- Earth and Atmospheric Sciences

Robert E. Leitz, M.S., Assistant Professor Emeritus- Geology

Anthony Rockwood, M.S., Professor Emeritus – Meteorology

Stella Todd, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus – Geospatial Science

Peter J. Varney, Ph.D., Associate Professor Emeritus – Geology/Environmental Science

Richard Wagner, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus – Meteorology